Entrepreneur's Circle South East Special Offer

The Website Toolkit

The Website Toolkit

Mark Creaser

Bruce's experience and expertise in web design and marketing is unquestionable. If you're looking to revolutionise your website's conversion you should be talking to Bruce.
Mark Creaser

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So you’ve been an EC member for a while now. You’ve learned loads and you’re implementing as much as you can. You’re already seeing some benefits.

Yet when it comes to sorting your website you feel overwhelmed and confused. It’s a huge sprawling mess and every time you start to unravel it you wish you hadn’t started.

If only there was some sort of system you could follow, some sort of ‘how to’ formula.

My name is Bruce Hazelton and over the last twenty years I’ve been involved in the design, build, writing, promotion and critique of countless websites - including my own online businesses. These have been the greatest education process; when it’s your own money at stake you learn fast! It’s experience most web designers never get; working in their comfortable offices being paid whether their work generates income or not.

I’ve worked for big corporates with marketing departments and small owner-managed businesses and for the most part they all make the same fundamental mistake when approaching their websites.

It’s a mistake that costs them focus, direction and most importantly conversion from their website. It’s not about design, it’s not about navigation, copy or whether it’s mobile friendly. It’s a much more fundamental, big picture mistake.

I’ve spoken to very many business owners, including long standing EC members, about this mistake and the truth is they simply don’t get it. It’s a step-change in thinking that they just can’t make on their own.

Which is why I’ve developed “The Website Toolkit” - the number one mistake business owners make when building their websites and how to fix it.

Using a specially designed workbook, audio CD and set of videos I not only explain this mistake but set out a step-by-step, easy to follow system that will guide you through the process of structuring and writing your website. These are the two most important contributions a business owner makes to the build of their new website.

And I guarantee that if you follow this process:

  • you’ll have more visitors to your website
  • they will be more engaged
  • more of them will convert
  • and you’ll make more money from your website

Or I’ll give you your money back.

Before I launch this product nationally I’m looking for just 10 EC members to work this system and give me feedback and some great testimonials.

In return you’ll get personal attention from me and support that future owners of The Website Toolkit could only dream about.

And the cost of all this? Just £147 plus VAT.

But remember, there’s only 10 sets available and when they’re gone, they’re gone.

To bags your toolkit simply click the 'Buy Now' button below.

To recap:

  • I’ll explain the biggest mistake business owners make when approaching their new website
  • I’ll give you a unique process that I have designed specifically for this toolkit to help you make the required step-change in thinking
  • I’ll give you a step-by-step system to follow that breaks down the process of writing a successful website into bite-sized, manageable chunks
  • I’ll give you a workbook to enable you to do this
  • and I’ll explain every step in specially recorded videos and audio CD
  • plus I’m on hand to answer your queries and support you through the process

As a result of implementing this system I guarantee:

  • your website will have more visitors
  • they will be more engaged
  • more of them will convert
  • and you’ll make more money from your website

Or your money back.

There’s only 10 of these packs available until later in the year so grab yours now or lose out.

Just click on ‘Buy Now’ below.