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Weblaunch Search Engine Optimisation

The very basics of search engine optimisation

Weblaunch allows you to edit both the title and the meta description tags for each page in the web admin - the 'Page Title' field is the title tag and 'Meta Description' is, well, the meta description tag!

The way the keywords work is a little more intricate, but it is based on the way Google interprets pages and their keywords.  In the SEO section of your admin you can link key phrases to an optimised page that these phrases relate to.  Any key phrases you use in a page are automatically added to the meta tag.  Simply adding keywords to a meta tag will have no impact if they do not reflect the page content.  The keyword tag should not be the same on every page, as indeed nor should the title and meta description.

So, to ensure your chosen keywords appear in your meta tag:

  1. Create a new page or adapt an existing page, the content of which reflects your chosen key phrase (key phrase should be in the title, h1 and main content)
  2. In the  SEO section of the weblaunch admin click 'Add a New Keyword'
  3. Insert the key phrase in the left hand cell labelled 'Keyword'
  4. In the right cell labelled 'Page to Link To' start to type the name of the associated page
  5. When the full name appears in the pop up, click on it
  6. The page name is added to the cell
  7. Click Save

As well as automatically creating your meta keywords tag for you on each page, weblaunch will also create links to your optimised page - as long as those keywords appear in the page content.

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