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Free Search Engine Optimisation module

11th May 2009

To encourage visitors to sign-up for weblaunch, the new pay monthly website with no upfront cost, creators The Marvellous Media Company are giving away a free search engine optimisation module.

The module is designed to make the already streamlined, search engine friendly pages created by weblaunch maximise the potential of your chosen keyphrases.

"The free search engine optimisation module we're giving away allows business owners to designate a page on their website for each keyphrase. Wherever that keyphrase appears on the rest of the site a link is created to that page." explains Operations Director Ben Neale. "This elevates the importance of that page to Google.

"But links from your own pages is only half the story. The free search engine optimisation module also makes it easy for visitors to create links to your pages by offering a selection of social bookmarking links." continues Ben.

"As well as all that, the free search engine optimisation module also creates a list of keywords tagged in the page." explains Shashi Kapoor, weblaunch's Digital Marketing Consultant and resident search engine optimisation guru.

"With the combined strength of some solid keyword research and some decent content, the streamlined code created by weblaunch, and the extra benefits brought by the free search engine optimisation module, it's possible to build a highly competitive website, gaining excellent ranking in the search engine results pages." concludes Shashi.

The free search engine optimisation module will be available to anyone who signs up to weblaunch at Grow Your Business 2009, Spectrum, Guildford on 13th May 2009.

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