weblaunch Means Business
The weblaunch team will be out in force again next month at Woking Means Business, HG Wells Conference & Events Centre, Thursday 8th October, spreading the pay-monthly love.
Once again, there will be a draw for a free website worth £1,800 in equivalent bespoke fees. All you need to do is visit us at Stand 53 and either fill out an entry card or pop your business card into the draw box. The winning entry will be drawn in the week following the show, and in our usual dramatic fashion we'll post the draw on the weblaunch website.
"We'll be running our popular on-stand presentation, 7 Top Tips in 7 minutes" explains weblaunch's Commercial Director, Bruce Hazelton. "It's fast, fun and furious, but packed with essential tips to make the most of your website – weblaunch or not".
"We'll also be offering our search engine optimisation module free, for anyone who signs-up on the day. It's a great little module that takes all the dull, repetitive tasks out of SEO on your website, and is worth £12.50 a month" continues Bruce.
We look forward to seeing you at Woking Means Business!
The weblaunch team at Grow Your Business earlier this year
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